Your travel packing checklist for: A trip with babies. flying to Guinea. Expected weather: hot/sunny.

  1. Who's traveling?

  2. Where are you flying to?

    I'm not flying
  3. Expected weather (Click for forecast):

  4. Accommodation:

  5. Planned activities:

  6. Long trip?

Change trip criterias
    • Travel preparation

    • Some countries requires that your passport has at least 6 months validity left.
    • Reconfirm your flights as there may be airline schedule changes. Your return flight must be reconfirmed at your destination directly with the airline 3 days prior to your departure.
    • Make sure that your luggage has a tag with your name, address, and telephone number. Tie a colorful ribbon or attach distinctive stickers to your luggage so that you can identify it easily, and other travelers will not take it by mistake at a busy terminal.
    • Most companies offer signup and monitoring online. Getting your air miles after your trip is a pain, so better do it in advance.
    • 11 optional items: Add all or Select which
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    • Home preperation

    • 4 optional items: Add all or Select which
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    • Vaccinations

    • Transmitted person-to-person by ingestion of contaminated food or water or through direct contact with an infectious person.
    • Transmitted by mosquito bites. Many countries require you to have a vaccination certificate proving you got this shot, so don't forget to bring it along, or you may be denied entry at the border or airport.
    • Spread from person to person, primarily via the fecal-oral route.
    • Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease, causing symptoms that typically include fever and headache, in severe cases progressing to coma or death.
      Guinea: All areas
    • The main symptoms are profuse watery diarrhea and vomiting. Transmitted by contaminated water or food.
    • Transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluids such as semen and vaginal fluids. The acute illness causes liver inflammation, vomiting, jaundice, and (rarely) death.
    • Transmitted by animals, most commonly by a bite from an infected animal. The virus infects the central nervous system, ultimately causing disease in the brain and death.
    • Recommended if you are not up-to-date with routine shots, such as measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus (DPT) vaccine, poliovirus vaccine, etc.
    • 4 optional items: Add all or Select which
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    • Documents

    • Many countries demand that you have such a certificate when you enter their borders.
    • Remember to keep a close eye on the passport copy - it's a great asset if you lose the original, but can also be used to steal your identity if it gets into the wrong hands.
      If you have a web based e-mail platform, e-mailing yourself scans/copies of important documents and passport info is a great alternative to hard-copies. It's easier to access, less likely to be stolen, and guaranteed to always be on hand.
    • You may need a photo to obtain passes, permits, etc.
    • If you have any of these (AAA, Hertz, Avis, Hilton, etc.), going abroad may be a good opportunity to use them.
    • Can save you some money in Youth Hostels, trains, museums, planes, so get one if you qualify as a student.
    • 9 optional items: Add all or Select which
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    • Money

    • In case all your money, or all your gear, is lost or stolen.
    • Memorize PIN codes to credit cards so that you can use them with ATM machines to get cash.
    • Where pickpockets are a problem, carry your wallet in your front trousers pocket.
    • 1 optional item: Add it
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    • Bags, cases, and packing

    • Use ziplock plastic bags for any items that could leak or possibly break in transit.
    • These see-through, zip-up mesh containers keep your clothes tightly packed and well-organized.
    • It's pretty amazing how much you can put into a backpack if you do a good job. By using rubber-bands, squeeze clothes down to a minimal size.
    • 7 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Clothes: Basics

    • Clothes: Casual

    • Take a pair with pockets - doubles as a swimsuit for men.
    • 1 optional item: Add it
    • Clothes: Outerwear

    • 1 optional item: Add it
    • Shoes

    • 2 optional items: Add both or Select which
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    • Accessories

    • 1 optional item: Add it
    • Babies & kids

    • 3 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Toiletries

    • Also handy for pulling out splinters
    • 6 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Health & medications

    • Ask your doctor to provide you with a letter for any prescription medications that you are taking with you. Keep medicine in original containers, if possible.
    • If you require prescription lenses in your glasses, take a spare pair of glasses with you. There is nothing worse than having your glasses break or losing them on holiday and having no spare pair to fall back on.
    • 9 optional items: Add all or Select which
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    • Sleeping gear

    • 4 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Electronics & gadgets

    • For international travel: consider unlocking your cell phone SIM card so you can use your phone there (purchase a local SIM in your destination).
    • With this adapter you and a friend can both listen to your music player at the same time
    • 8 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Camera equipment

    • 5 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Other optional items

    • A small, cheap and easy to use protection weapon. Illegal in some countries.
    • 2 optional items: Add both or Select which
    • Extras & others

    • To avoid last minute gift-shopping make a list of all of the people you want to get gifts for.
    • 5 optional items: Add all or Select which
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LWhen flying: If contains more than 100ml (3.4 ounce) of liquid / gel / aerosol, can't be taken in your carry-on baggage. pack it in your checked baggage.
AWhen flying: Can't be taken in your carry-on baggage. pack it in your checked baggage.
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