- There is a low threat from terrorism. Following French military intervention in Mali, there is a possibility of retaliatory attacks targeting Western interests in the region. Be vigilant. See terrorism<\/a>
<\/strong><\/li> There has been rioting and violence in Conakry recently; ten deaths and several hundred injuries have been reported.
There is a continuing risk of spontaneous riots and violent demonstrations in Guinea. <\/strong>Monitor local media and avoid large gatherings. See Crime<\/a> and Political situation<\/a>
The Guinean authorities maintain police and local militia checkpoints across the whole country. Carry identification with you at all times. See Road travel <\/a>and Local laws and customs<\/a>
Essential supplies, such as fuel, may run low from time to time. See Road Travel<\/a>
Theft at gunpoint is increasingly common, particularly at night. The gold and diamond trade attracts criminal gangs. See Crime<\/a>
Exchanging foreign currency on the street or using unofficial money changers is illegal and can result in military detention. See Money<\/a>
Cholera and malaria are present in Guinea. See Health<\/a>
- Due to the small size of the British Embassy in Conakry, only limited emergency consular assistance can be provided. <\/strong>See <\/strong>Consular assistance.<\/strong><\/a>
<\/li> - Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance <\/a>before you travel. <\/strong><\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul><\/div>","script":"$().ready(function() {$('#Destination_info div.infSection a.minMax').click(function() {\tvar relVal=$(this).attr('rel'), cookieVal='min';\tvar cookieName='minmax_' + relVal;\tif ($(this).hasClass('min')) {\t$(this).addClass('max').removeClass('min');\t} else {\t$(this).removeClass('max').addClass('min');\tcookieVal='max';\t}\t$(this).parent().next().slideToggle('fast');\t$.cookie(cookieName, cookieVal, { expires: 7, path: '\/' });\treturn false;\t});});"}