
Beach Checklist

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    • Travel preparation

    • 7 optional items: Add all or Select which
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    • Car preparation

    • 1 optional item: Add it
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    • Money

    • In case all your money, or all your gear, is lost or stolen.
    • Memorize PIN codes to credit cards so that you can use them with ATM machines to get cash.
    • Where pickpockets are a problem, carry your wallet in your front trousers pocket.
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    • Bags, cases, and packing

    • Use ziplock plastic bags for any items that could leak or possibly break in transit.
    • These see-through, zip-up mesh containers keep your clothes tightly packed and well-organized.
    • It's pretty amazing how much you can put into a backpack if you do a good job. By using rubber-bands, squeeze clothes down to a minimal size.
    • 10 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Clothes: Basics

    • 1 optional item: Add it
    • Clothes: Casual

    • Take a pair with pockets - doubles as a swimsuit for men.
    • 1 optional item: Add it
    • Clothes: Outerwear

    • 1 optional item: Add it
    • Clothes: Dressy

    • 7 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Shoes

    • 2 optional items: Add both or Select which
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    • Accessories

    • Easily stolen, so don't bring anything too valuable.
    • 2 optional items: Add both or Select which
    • Babies & kids

    • A waterproof mattress cover, in case your child wets it at night.
    • 4 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Toiletries

    • Ditch the bulky bath towel. There's only one way to go when traveling - microfiber travel towels. They dry quickly, are soft, incredibly absorbent, and roll up to take virtually no space.
    • Must be pretty sturdy. Glass may not be a good idea for some journeys.
    • Also handy for pulling out splinters
    • 12 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Health & medications

    • Ask your doctor to provide you with a letter for any prescription medications that you are taking with you. Keep medicine in original containers, if possible.
    • If you require prescription lenses in your glasses, take a spare pair of glasses with you. There is nothing worse than having your glasses break or losing them on holiday and having no spare pair to fall back on.
    • 17 optional items: Add all or Select which
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    • Laundry

    • Some hotel sinks and tubs have no stoppers. A universal sing plug which works with any size drain allows you to wash your clothes (A balled-up sock works in a pinch, too).
    • 8 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Sleeping gear

    • 6 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Electronics & gadgets

    • For international travel: consider unlocking your cell phone SIM card so you can use your phone there (purchase a local SIM in your destination).
    • With this adapter you and a friend can both listen to your music player at the same time
    • 8 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Camera equipment

    • 6 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Beach/swimming gear

    • Great for the beach. The mesh allows you to dump everything into the bag and then just rinse it all with running water.
    • 5 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Other optional items

    • A small, cheap and easy to use protection weapon. Illegal in some countries.
    • 5 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • Extras & others

    • To avoid last minute gift-shopping make a list of all of the people you want to get gifts for.
    • May reduce homesickness
    • 8 optional items: Add all or Select which
    • All Phone chargers

    • Grace-Ipod,Kindle

    • Austin-Pack n Play



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MFor: males
FFor: females
KFor: kids/toddlers
BFor: babies
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