FCO Travel Advice for - Zimbabwe
Back to the list of countries | Original FCO ArticleDuring the period leading up to and immediately after the constitutional referendum on 16 March it is particularly important that you are careful not to associate with any activity that could be construed as political. See Political situation.
Dual British-Zimbabwean nationals who wish to travel to Zimbabwe and return to the United Kingdom must have a valid travel document to re-enter the United Kingdom. It is not possible to re-enter the UK using a Zimbabwean Emergency Travel Document. See Dual nationals
Air Zimbabwe is currently operating domestic flights only. Contact the airline or your travel company for the latest information. See Air travel
Holiday and business visas are available at the port of entry. Don’t violate the terms of your visa. See Visas
Journalists should not carry out any reporting or official photography without the proper accreditation. See Entry Requirements
Although the economic outlook in Zimbabwe has improved, political tensions remain. See Political situation
If you are living in Zimbabwe, keep your security arrangements under close review, make sure your travel documents are up to date and readily available and have a contingency plan in place in case you need to leave at short notice.
There is a low threat from terrorism. See Terrorism
Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel.
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's trip to Zimbabwe in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male & a female's going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Zimbabwe in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a parents with babies' backpacking, fishing, diving, beach / sea / cruise, business / work, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs), hiking, skiing trip to Zimbabwe in any weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's trip to Zimbabwe in a cold weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's trip to Zimbabwe in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male & a female's backpacking, fishing, diving, beach / sea / cruise, business / work, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs), hiking, skiing trip to Zimbabwe in any weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Zimbabwe in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's backpacking, beach / sea / cruise, hiking trip to Zimbabwe in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Zimbabwe in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's backpacking trip to Zimbabwe in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a mother with kids' trip to Zimbabwe in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a parents with kids' backpacking trip to Zimbabwe in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a parents with babies/kids' backpacking, fishing, diving, beach / sea / cruise, business / work, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs), hiking, skiing trip to Zimbabwe in any weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male & a female's going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Zimbabwe in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's trip to Zimbabwe in a cold weather