FCO Travel Advice for - Yemen

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  • The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to Yemen and strongly urge British nationals to leave now. If you don’t leave the country now while commercial carriers are still flying it is extremely unlikely that the British government will be able to evacuate you or provide consular assistance.

  • The situation in Yemen remains volatile with continuing unrest and violent clashes. The threat of an escalation of violence and disorder remains. If you travel to Yemen against our advice, you should regularly reassess your security and plan any movements around the country carefully. The provision of close security protection and/or a military escort is extremely important for those working and moving around in Yemen. See Local travel and Political situation.

  • There is a high threat from terrorism throughout Yemen. Terrorists continue to threaten further attacks. There is a high threat of kidnap from armed tribes, criminals and terrorists. See Terrorism

  • If you travel to Yemen against our advice, you should register with the British Embassy by e-mailing consularenquiries.sanaa@fco.gov.uk or calling +967 1308 114. Alternatively you can call the Foreign and Commonwealth Office switchboard on +44 (0)20 7008 1500 and ask to speak to the team handling Yemen consular issues.

  • The British Embassy is operating with only essential staff. The level of consular assistance available to British nationals is limited. If you need urgent consular assistance call +967 1308 114. For urgent assistance outside office hours call +44 (0) 20 7008 1500.

  • Piracy is a significant threat in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. See Sea Travel.

  • Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel.