FCO Travel Advice for - Serbia
Back to the list of countries | Original FCO Article- The issue of Kosovo remains a potential cause for unrest. Keep up to date with local developments and avoid any large crowds and demonstrations. See Political situation.
- You may have difficulty entering Serbia if you have a Republic of Kosovo stamp in your passport. See Entry Requirements.
- There is an underlying threat from terrorism. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers.
- Most visits to Serbia are trouble-free. See Consular assistance statistics.
- You should take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before travelling.
Popular checklists for Serbia:
- A travel packing checklist for: going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Serbia in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Serbia in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's business / work trip to Serbia in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's beach / sea / cruise, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Serbia in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's business / work, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Serbia in a cold weather
- A travel packing checklist for: kids' beach / sea / cruise trip to Serbia in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's business / work, skiing trip to Serbia in a cold weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Serbia. Accommodation: hostel / guesthouse
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Serbia in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's backpacking trip to Serbia in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Serbia in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Serbia. Accommodation: hostel / guesthouse
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's beach / sea / cruise, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs), hiking trip to Serbia in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a mother with babies' business / work, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Serbia in a cold weather
- A travel packing checklist for: babies' beach / sea / cruise trip to Serbia in a hot weather