FCO Travel Advice for - Congo
Back to the list of countries | Original FCO ArticleThe Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to the Likouala province due to a large influx of displaced people from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). UNHCR estimates around 110,000 refugees are currently in Likouala province.
The FCO advise against all but essential travel to the Pool region. See Local travel.
- There is no British Embassy in the Republic of Congo and the level of consular assistance the FCO can offer to British nationals is limited. If you need consular assistance you should contact the British Honorary Consul in Brazzaville, Mr Dominique Picard (telephone: +242 06647323 or 055513 251) or the British Embassy in Kinshasa, DRC.
- There is a low threat from terrorism. See Terrorism.
- Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel.
Popular checklists for Congo:
- A travel packing checklist for: beach / sea / cruise, business / work, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Congo in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's hiking trip to Congo in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's business / work trip to Congo. Accommodation: hotel
- A travel packing checklist for: a parents with kids' beach / sea / cruise, business / work, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Congo in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male & a female's beach / sea / cruise, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Congo in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's backpacking, hiking trip to Congo in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's backpacking, hiking trip to Congo in any weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Congo. Accommodation: hostel / guesthouse
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's trip to Congo in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male & a female's backpacking, fishing, diving, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs), hiking trip to Congo in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's trip to Congo in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's fishing trip to Congo in a cold weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's business / work trip to Congo in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's backpacking, business / work trip to Congo in any weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's trip to Congo in a cold weather