FCO Travel Advice for - Bangladesh
Back to the list of countries | Original FCO Article- The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all but essential travel to the Chittagong Hill Tracts. This does not include the city of Chittagong or other parts of Chittagong Division. If you propose to visit the Chittagong Hill Tracts you must give the Bangladeshi authorities ten days' notice of your travel plans. See Chittagong Hill Tracts
- Demonstrations and protests are frequent. They can occur suddenly and quickly turn violent and may include the burning of buses and attacks on property, road blocks and confrontation with the police. There are regular enforced strikes, known locally as hartals. There has been serious violent disorder, which has claimed at least 70 lives across Bangladesh since 28 February. The Bangladesh Nationalist Party has called nationwide hartals for Monday 18 March and Tuesday 19 March. The Bangladesh Nationalist Party has also called a dawn to dusk hartal in Dhaka district on Thursday 21 March. If you are intending to travel to Bangladesh, even if you are a regular visitor with family or business links, you should be aware that disruption to normal life has become frequent. You should follow developments in the news media and consult FCO Travel Advice regularly. You should also register with the British High Commission and take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before travelling.
- There is a general threat from terrorism. See Terrorism
- Up to 75,000 British nationals visit Bangladesh every year. Most visits are trouble free. See Consular assistance statistics
Popular checklists for Bangladesh:
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's trip to Bangladesh in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male's trip to Bangladesh in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male & a female's backpacking trip to Bangladesh in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: fishing trip to Bangladesh.
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's business / work trip to Bangladesh. Accommodation: hotel
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's backpacking, beach / sea / cruise, hiking trip to Bangladesh in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's trip to Bangladesh in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's trip to Bangladesh in a cold weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a parents with kids' beach / sea / cruise, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs), hiking trip to Bangladesh in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a female's backpacking, hiking trip to Bangladesh in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a parents with kids' going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Bangladesh in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a parents with kids' backpacking, beach / sea / cruise, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Bangladesh in any weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a parents with babies' going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Bangladesh in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a male & a female's fishing, beach / sea / cruise, going out (restaurants, bars, clubs) trip to Bangladesh in a hot weather
- A travel packing checklist for: a parents with kids' fishing trip to Bangladesh in a hot weather