Current time in...<\/h2><\/div>
Madrid, Spain<\/h3><\/li>
11:07 pm (Tuesday, February 25)<\/li><\/ul><\/div>
FCO's travel advice & alerts (fco.gov.uk)<\/h2><\/div>
There have been several deaths as a result of falls from balconies. Don\u2019t take any unnecessary risks, especially when under the influence of drink or drugs. See <\/strong>
Balcony Falls.<\/strong><\/a>
Over 12 million British nationals visit Spain every year. Most visits are trouble-free. See
Consular assistance statistics.<\/a><\/b>
There is a general threat from terrorism. See
You should apply for a free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before you travel. If you already have an EHIC, make sure it hasn\u2019t expired. See <\/strong>
Some medical costs aren\u2019t covered by the EHIC so you should also take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel.
Be alert to the existence of street crime. Thieves tend to target money and passports so don\u2019t keep them all in one place. Keep a copy of your passport somewhere safe. See
Our pocket sized
leaflet<\/a> and
wallet card<\/a> contain travel tips, phone numbers and expressions you may need in an emergency, plus information on what our Consulates can and can\u2019t do to help<\/b>. <\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul><\/div>","script":"$().ready(function() {$('#Destination_info div.infSection a.minMax').click(function() {\tvar relVal=$(this).attr('rel'), cookieVal='min';\tvar cookieName='minmax_' + relVal;\tif ($(this).hasClass('min')) {\t$(this).addClass('max').removeClass('min');\t} else {\t$(this).removeClass('max').addClass('min');\tcookieVal='max';\t}\t$(this).parent().next().slideToggle('fast');\t$.cookie(cookieName, cookieVal, { expires: 7, path: '\/' });\treturn false;\t});});"}