Current time in...<\/h2><\/div>
Berlin, Germany<\/h3><\/li>
9:21 pm (Friday, March 14)<\/li><\/ul><\/div>
FCO's travel advice & alerts (fco.gov.uk)<\/h2><\/div>
There is a general threat from terrorism. See <\/strong>
Around 2,000,000 British nationals visit Germany every year. Most visits are trouble-free. See <\/strong>
Consular asistance statistics.<\/strong><\/a>
If you need to contact the emergency services call 112. <\/strong>
Carry your passport with you at all times. German police have the right to ask to see identification.
British nationals have been arrested for possessing counterfeit currency. Avoid changing money anywhere other than banks or legitimate bureaux de change.
Take out comprehensive travel and medical <\/strong>
before you travel.<\/strong> <\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul><\/div>","script":"$().ready(function() {$('#Destination_info div.infSection a.minMax').click(function() {\tvar relVal=$(this).attr('rel'), cookieVal='min';\tvar cookieName='minmax_' + relVal;\tif ($(this).hasClass('min')) {\t$(this).addClass('max').removeClass('min');\t} else {\t$(this).removeClass('max').addClass('min');\tcookieVal='max';\t}\t$(this).parent().next().slideToggle('fast');\t$.cookie(cookieName, cookieVal, { expires: 7, path: '\/' });\treturn false;\t});});"}