The FCO advise against all travel to areas of the Far North Province within 25km of the Nigeria\/Cameroon border and north of the city of Maroua. On 19 February, 7 French tourists were kidnapped near the Nigeria border and their whereabouts are currently unknown. See Local travel.
There has been an increase in violence in the Limbe area of Cameroon and incidents of armed robbery involving taxis hailed from the roadside in Yaound\u00e9. See <\/strong>Crime<\/a>
Despite the high crime levels, most visits to Cameroon are trouble-free. Only a few British nationals needed consular assistance in the past year. See Consular assistance statistics<\/a>
You should take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance <\/a>before you travel. <\/strong><\/p><\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul><\/div>","script":"$().ready(function() {$('#Destination_info div.infSection a.minMax').click(function() {\tvar relVal=$(this).attr('rel'), cookieVal='min';\tvar cookieName='minmax_' + relVal;\tif ($(this).hasClass('min')) {\t$(this).addClass('max').removeClass('min');\t} else {\t$(this).removeClass('max').addClass('min');\tcookieVal='max';\t}\t$(this).parent().next().slideToggle('fast');\t$.cookie(cookieName, cookieVal, { expires: 7, path: '\/' });\treturn false;\t});});"}