Current time in...<\/h2><\/div>
Kabul, Afghanistan<\/h3><\/li>
11:52 am (Friday, March 14)<\/li><\/ul><\/div>
FCO's travel advice & alerts (fco.gov.uk)<\/h2><\/div>
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all or all but essential travel to different parts of the country according to provincial region:
The FCO advise against all travel to the Surobi, Paghman, Musayhi, Khak-e Jabbar and Chahar Asyab Districts of Kabul province.
The FCO advise against all but essential travel to the city of Kabul.<\/b>
Northern Afghanistan
The FCO advise against all travel to Balkh, Kunduz, Badakhshan and the Baghlan-e Jadid District of Baghlan.
The FCO advise against all but essential travel to Takhar, Faryab, Jawzjan, Samangan, Sari Pul and the remainder of Baghlan.
Eastern Afghanistan<\/span>
The FCO advise against all travel to Ghazni, Kapisa, Khost, Kunar, Laghman, Logar, Nangarhar, Nuristan, Paktika, Wardak and Paktya.
The FCO advise against all but essential travel to Bamiyan, Parwan and Panjshir<\/b>
Southern Afghanistan
The FCO advise against all travel to Helmand, Kandahar, Nimroz, Uruzgan and Zabul.
Western Afghanistan<\/b><\/span>
The FCO advise against all travel to Badghis and Farah, and the Shindand and Gozarah Districts of Herat province.
The FCO advise against all but essential travel to Dai Kundi, Ghor and remaining districts in Herat.
There is a high threat from terrorism and specific methods of attack are evolving and increasing in sophistication. There is a high threat of kidnapping throughout the country. See
As insurgents attempt to destabilise the ongoing transition of security to Afghan National Security Forces it is likely that attacks across Afghanistan will continue. If you travel to Afghanistan you should have adequate and continuous professional close security arrangements and review them regularly.
In March 2012 an Afghan government-controlled security force, the Afghan Public Protection Force (APPF), took over provision of most commercial security services in Afghanistan from private security companies. Only embassies and other accredited diplomatic missions are now allowed to use private security companies.
Take out comprehensive travel and medical
insurance<\/a> before you travel.<\/b><\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul><\/div>","script":"$().ready(function() {$('#Destination_info div.infSection a.minMax').click(function() {\tvar relVal=$(this).attr('rel'), cookieVal='min';\tvar cookieName='minmax_' + relVal;\tif ($(this).hasClass('min')) {\t$(this).addClass('max').removeClass('min');\t} else {\t$(this).removeClass('max').addClass('min');\tcookieVal='max';\t}\t$(this).parent().next().slideToggle('fast');\t$.cookie(cookieName, cookieVal, { expires: 7, path: '\/' });\treturn false;\t});});"}